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Koiyaavaady welfare camp, Puttlam district
Sunday, June 24, 2007
"I got married earlier since I was not able to continue my education due to poverty. I got displaced when I was one year-old baby. Now I am a mother of two-month old baby" said Subaitha Abdul Wahab (18)
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There are 136 families- 720 persons living in Koiy...
"I got married earlier since I was not able to con...
The Muslims complain that they do not have a colle...
Muslims were allowed to take limited amount of mon...
"I have five children. I do not have enough income...
Most of them say that they have lost their identi...
Mohamed Rukshan (8) wants to become doctor
The Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) complain t...
"I earn Rs.150/= per day for helping in the onion ...
The facilities are minimal
The Internally Displaced People (IDPs) are lookin...
By Dushiyanthini Kanagasabapathipillai ~ Contact:
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